General english
Nama : Nabila Najwalia Rusmayadi Kelas : 1A Fotografi
Nim: 2391471060
Absen :21
“photography with the world of development”
As time goes by, photography is becoming easier for anyone, from ordinary people to professionals. Do you know what photography is? Photography comes from two words, namely "photo" and "graphy". Photos are light and graphics are writing or painting. So, literally the meaning of photography is writing or painting with the help of light. So, the light factor is the most important element in the art of photography. The principle of photography is to focus light with the help of refraction so that it can burn the light capturing medium.
Basically, the purpose and essence of photography is communication. A photographic work can be said to have communication value when in appearance the subject is used as a medium for conveying a message or is an idea that is expected of the viewer so that a contact of understanding of meaning is established. In this case, the photo work can also be said to be a medium that has functional use value and at the same time as an instrument because it is used as a tool in the communication process of conveying the message/idea of the content of the creator of the photo work.
Types of photography:
In the world of photography there are also various types of photos that are usually used by photographers for various purposes, namely:
1. Photo journalism, a special form of journalism (collecting, editing and presenting news material for publication or broadcast) that creates images to tell a news story.
2. Still life photos, artistically recording images of inanimate objects during the day using auxiliary light, etc., including macro (small objects).
3. Portrait Photography, Portrait photography or portraiture is the capture by means of similar photography of a person or a small group of people (group portrait), where facial expressions are dominant. The goal is to convey the subject's appearance, personality, and even mood.
4. Commercial advertising photos, photos taken for promotional purposes, usually made attractive with the help of editing and computer graphics.
5. Abstract Photos, The abstract flow in photography can actually be called the flow of composition devotees. Thus, a photographer who wants to make an abstract photo will fill his canvas with a composition he sees in nature. From an existing three-dimensional reality, an infinite number of abstract photo compositions can be created.
* 5W+1H
1. what
Q: what is photography?
A: photography is writing or painting with the help of light. Therefore, the light factor is the most important element in the art of photography
2. why
Q: Why does photography have the purpose and essence of communication?
A: Because a photographic work can be said to have communication value when in appearance the subject is used as a medium for conveying a message or an idea that is expected of the viewer so that a contact of understanding of meaning is established.
3. what
Q: any type of photography?
A: that is, there are several types of footography Photo journalism, Foto still life, Potrait Photograph, and Foto comercial advertising
4. when
Q: When can photography be used as a promotional medium?
A: When photos are taken for promotional purposes, they are usually made attractive with the help of editing and computer graphics, which are called commercial advertising photos
5. where
Q: where photography is said to be a medium that has functional use value?
A: because it is used as a tool in the communication process of conveying the message/idea of the content of the creator of the photo work.
6. how
Q: how to take still life photography techniques
A: Record artistic images of inanimate objects a day using auxiliary light, etc., including macro (small objects).
*Active and passive sentences
active sentences
1) fhotography has become more accessible to people from all walks of life.
2) The literal definition of photography is writing or drawing with the aid of light.
3) Photographers commonly use various types of photographs for different purposes.
4) Commercial Advertising Photography often undergoes editing and computer graphics enhancements.appealing
Passive Senteces
1) With the advancement of technology, photography has been made more accessible to people from all walks of life.
2) The term "photography" originates from two words, "photo" and "graphy," and is defined as writing or drawing with the aid of light.
3) Various types of photographs are commonly used by photographers for different purposes.
4) Commercial Advertising Photography is often subjected to editing and computer graphics enhancements to make it more appealing.
*give reason why writter uses the tenses
The reason I chose this article is to make it easier to understand what photo techniques are in photography and also an explanation of what photography is
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